And the theme is "Love Story of Taylor Swift"
Yupzz..I'm not just tell her about her life just job, her song, her popularity, fashion, and etc. But I will tell you too about her realtionship behind all her life on public. Okay I know you can't wait anymore..This is the information..
First her relationship is known on public in 2008 with Joe Jonas..
This relationship is work from July until October 2008..
The guy Joe Jonas is singer too from Jonas Brother that is all the personel is Nick and Kevin Jonas is the real brother of Joe Jonas. This is the picture look down please><"..
This is when they are in show..
This is when they are walking around to go shopping and paparazzi catch them..
The gossip is Joe Jonas is romantic guy. Then after they have a relationship then they broke up. The gossip is Joe broke Swift just 30 second on celular and then there no conversation again about their relationship. And this is make Swift really..really broken heart and she really mad with Joe. Then gossip Joe is want to back with Swift and Swift don't want it. After few months they decide to peace with each other and just become bestfriend. And then Joe has the new girl that the name is Camilla Belle.
Next is on August 2009 Taylor Swift has new relationship with Taylor Lautner. First they met on film Valentine Day. At the my blog before I have told you about their relationship on this film. So I just review little..
Their relationship work until November 2009.
Taylor Lautner is model and an famous actor..This is the picture look down please..^^
This is when they celebrate Lautner birthday..
Paparazzi catch them when Lautner is drive with Swift..
The gossip they broke up because Taylor Swift is not responding in their serious relationship. And Lautner is broke up Taylor Swift. If you want to read more just open my blog which the titlle is The Film of Taylor Swift.><..
Next on still on November 2009 Taylor Swift with new guy the name is John Mayer.
Their relationship with John Mayer is on February 2010..
John Mayer is singer too
Next on October 2010 Taylor Swift has new guy the name is Jake Gyllenhaal..
Their relationship is work on until December 2010..

This is when they are on go home from shopping..
And paparazzi catch them on the street..
gossip is they become romantic couple. They broke up because Jake is not interest again with Taylor Swift. And Jake is tell the media too he has different age with Swift, so he has different comitment each other. That's why Jake broke up the Swift.
Next with Connor Kennedy on July 2012 until October 2012..
This is the picture..
There no gossip about their relationship. They break with everything alright.
The newest is Taylor Swift with personel one direction that is Harry Styles on 2013.
This is the picture..
Their relationship is work just two months. They break up because they really busy. And the gossip is they is fight on ship. And they decide to end their relationship. Their fight is catch by paparazzi. And from this Swift make her song for Harry Styles and the titlle is "I Know You Were in Trouble". And this song really booming now.
Yeahh..That's all about information Love story of Taylor Swift this week..So enjoy this information..And I'll give you different information next week..Thank you very much and have a nice weekend^^..
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