Jumat, 26 April 2013

How To Manage Our Waste at School

Hi guys!! How about my post?^^ Do you like it?
I hope it can help you..
Okay this week I will explain about a problem which is very popular and really have bad effect for our life and environment..
Yupzz the theme is “ How to Manage Our Waste at School “

Okay every day we always throw a garbage whether is food, drink, the thing which we use, and etc. And have you ever think where the waste is throw after we put in the trash place?

Yeah maybe you don’t know this waste is throw to like landfill and the waste is like a mountain. They really have bad smell, can bring illness, and really discousting. Because the waste is not useful at all and they just put at there and it getting more up and up..And just for information the name we called it “ Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah “.

This is the picture Look down please!^^

You can see the waste is like mountain. Have very bad smell and bring any disease..


So..back to the theme..What do you throw at your school? Okay..me and all my friend the place which is can make a lot of waste is canteen. Yupzz canteen is the place where we can buy food like cake, snack, bread, rice, and etc. Drink like milk, mineral water, coffee, iced tea, and etc. You know the canteen on my school there are four. All the canteen in my school is quite big and sell a lot of food and drink. The rest time at my school is twice.

The waste that we throw is first the cover of the food and drink. I don’t know we throw it on trash place or not, but the will is we throw the cover of food and drink. You can imagine one day one person throw five cover and how about almost more than one thousand pupils on my school throw the waste.

Then do you know the differences of waste? There are two waste there are oraganic waste and anorganic waste. Organic waste is rapidly decaying and it from animal and plant. It's like food, leaves, fruit, vegetables. Then anorganic waste is waste which really need long time to decomposotion. It's like from plastic and aluminium. The examples are plastic bags, plastic bottles, cans, and etc. 

This is the picture the different of organic and anorganic waste..

So I have an idea to manage our waste from canteen at school.

1. First prepare two trash can to separate organic and anorganic waste.

This is the picture..


2. Second tell again to all the people on school to separate the waste which include organic or anorganic.

3. Third after the school is done we collect all the waste from trash place.

4. Fourth collect the organic waste and we process it. The organic waste after recycle can be compost. 

   This is the picture..

You can make organic waste become compost. The left is one of the process to make compost.

How to make compost: 
-Cut into pieces of organic material above (except manure) so small 
-After that, stack and put grass on top. Create a stack thick as 15 cm
-Put manure that has been moistened at the very top of the pile 
-Do it the same way until all the consumables. 
-Stack everything until it reaches a maximum height of 1.2 m
-Keep the humidity in the material pile to keep it damp and muddy 
-If composting is good, at weeks 3-4 will be an increase in temperature. Use a wooden stick to know there has been a rise in temperature by sticking a wooden stick into the compost pile and see then pull the wand, if it feels moist and warm. If so, then the composting process is running normally and well. If the end of the stick feels dry, immediately pour the water into the compost. When the cold end of the stick, meaning composting failed and must be repeated from the beginning of creation. 
-After an increase in temperature, the temperature will decrease. At this point the compost pile should be reversed.
-A month after the temperature decreases and the compost has been reversed, the compost has finished and ready for use. This is the picture


5. Fifth process the anorganic waste to be like bag, sofa, accecoris, the place for tissue, and a lot thing like this. You just need like glue, scissor, isolation, ribbon, thread, and a lot of beads. This is the picture..

This is the material you need to recycle anorganic waste..

Then two picture of result anorganic waste..

It's really pretty like? The waste really useful for us..

So guys that's all about to recycle the waste from canteen at school. From waste if it recycle right can be useful thing for our life. The result is really good and not bad at all. From recycle we can decrease the waste on school. I'm guarantee the waste really decrease and our school will be clean from waste. Not with direct we can save our environment and our earth for long time.

Okay guys that’s all about “ How to Manage our Waste at School”. Maybe there’s a lot of ways to manage this waste. And mine is one of them. I hope this information can help you and your school to manage the waste. 

And my last advice find the new ways to manage the waste to save our environment, life, and earth.

I’m really hope this post can help us to save our earth. So that’s all about this week..
Enjoy this post..Enjoy your day.. Thank you very much^^

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