This week I will tell you about different information..
Yeah the theme this week is " Commercial of Taylor Swift "
Okay..not just become song writter , singer , actresss , she become model to promotion some product. This product like food , drink , clothes , parfume , etc. And she become model of magazine fashion ,etc. This week I'll explain about the Commercial of Taylor Swift..

Look beside please..^^..
This commercial is tell that milk contain a lot of mineral that can make or muscle and make our body health. This commercial is get four time rewards at grammy awards.
And I think this commercial is great for all ages because there's good message for our health. I hope that this commercial like this can up and make us realise that health really important.
You can see the note inside the picture.^^.
Okay this parfume is out on August 2012..The name is "Wonderstruck" and the fact that the parfume is made by Taylor Swift herself. She look so beautiful when the photoshot for promotion her own parfume. She wear red dress like princess, the red sofa , the red lipstick , and last the Bottle of the Parfume is red too. And yeah it's not just for this product, but she want to promote her new album that is "RED".
Swift explain that when someone use this parfume it will connect with her soulmate. And this feeling first is little when someone use this parfume her/his connect will be more powerful.
This Bottle of Parfume is colaborate with diamonds, gold ,the asesoris is like bird, leaf, flowers and crystal. All this material is choose with special by Taylor Swift. And the smell there are so many like wild berry, flower , markisa, vanilla,etc. This product that is from Taylor Swift is released at market on September 2012.
The new commercial from Taylor Swift is when she become Rapunzel on Disney Parks. Swift said that she really happy to become Rapunzel on Disney commercial , she said that this is the dream of her from her kids. She thinks that she can run away from all problem and all something hard, to go to her imagination and you were at Disney World.
The fotografer is :Annie Leibovits
The pose of Taylor is waiting for the prince come to her with sit on window and she bring little guitar.
On : January 2013
The tagline on this photo commercial is :" The adventure world is waiting outside"
This is when she promote for coke for diet. This commercial is release on January 2013.
Last for the model of Covergirl of magazine..This is the picture..
She become the younger actress expensive.
In this magazine she has four image like "Clean", "Glamour" , "Rock", "Country Style"
Yeah that's all abou this week..What do you think?^_^ ..Okay guys next week I will give you really different information..So I hope my post can help you to get some information..So enjoy it^^ and wait my next post><"..Thank you very much..^^>>
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