Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

The Fourth Album of Taylor Swift

Hi..all my friend..now I'm back with the last post is the third album of Taylor Swift...Today I will tell you something new!!yeay!!
You can guess it..yupzz the last album of Taylor Swift and also the new album
The name of the album is "RED"..
Now I give you more information about behind making the fourth album..
First the album release on October 22 ,2012...with Big Machine Records..
Of course the people who help Taylor Swift make the album..
The producer is Nathan Chapman, the enginering Pawel sek ,conducting David Campbell, acoustic guitar is Tayl or Swift, there are more again. The artist who feature with Taylor is Gary Lightbody and Ed Sheeran. That's all about the people who really worked hard to making this album. 

Now..the true story from Taylor Swift about RED album..

"All the different emotions that are written about on this album are all pretty much about the kind of tumultuous, crazy, insane, intense, semi-toxic relationships that I’ve experienced in the last two years. All those emotions — spanning from intense love, intense frustration, jealousy, confusion, all of that — in my mind, all those emotions are red. You know, there’s nothing in between. There’s nothing beige about any of those feelings"- Taylor Swift at webchat.

Ok..now I think you really curious about the song inside the album ..okay..okay..this the information..

So there are 16 song inside the album, but there are 4 singles at this album..
There are first the lead single "We are never ever getting back together". This singles is really booming at every country when this song is come. On December 2012, it has sold more than 3 million downloads in USA.The picture of this single..

Second single is "Begin Again" and release on 25 September 2012. This song sold 299,000 digital copies in its first week of release.
Third single is " I knew You Were Trouble" and release on 27 November 2012. It has sold 582,000. You should to listen it ..The song is really good I really like it.
Fourth single is "22" and release on December 2012. 

I really like ..love all the song in the "RED"...but I have special there are "We are Never ever Getting Back Together" and "I know you were trouble". What about you? I think you will like all her song. And one more thing, I like all the song of her album bcause teh song is match with teenager,old people,and maybe kid..because in her song never exist bad word , or bad massage..

Now the picture of the album look down..><

Wow..she look so different right?One little secret 0n 2012 Taylor Swift changes all her style from hair to the other. You must buy it because the song is really good . You can buy this at disc store. And I guarantee you won't regret..trust me..^^

The picture when she sing the song..

Yupzz..I think that's all about the fourth album..and next month I'll be back with something new..So enjoy it..I hope all my explanation about first album until fourth album can make up your intellegent.
enjoy it^^.."Have a nice month"...Thank you